The McMurdo Kannad 406 (S1823502) ELT is a popular portable Emergency Location Transmitter in use by in many commercial aircraft cabins worldwide.
Kannad 406 - Specifications
- Overall dimensions (antenna deployed): 590 x 160x 160 (mm)
- Overall dimensions (stowed): 290 x 165 x 165 (mm)
- Weight: Approximately 1.4 Kg (approx. 3lb)
Accessories and spare parts:
A range of accessories and replacement manufacturers original parts are also available for Kannad 406 ELT models, which include:
- Replacement TNC Antenna
- Replacement floatation collar
- Replacement tethering line
- Kannad 406 ELT Cabin mounting bracket
- Kannad 406 ELT Carry-off bag
End UseUn-certified item (training end use).
This emergency locator transmitter elt kannad 406 as non active training model is supplied as un-certified representative training equipment.
Looking for a Emergency Locator Transmitter ELT Kannad 406 AS Non Active Training Model for flight operations end use?
We're here to help with all of your equipment needs. Not only with this Emergency Locator Transmitter ELT Kannad 406 AS Non Active Training Model but any other parts, equipment and reference training devices that you may require.
- Get this item priority shipped for March 28 or economy shipped for April 01*
- *Dependant on stock level, geographic location and payment cleared

Part S1823502.
Image representative of range.