Air Transport Market Analysis (Sept 2011)

Released 31 October 2011 the following details key points from the IATA report on air transport markets in September:

  • Air travel and air freight markets diverged sharply in September;
  • Air freight was pulled lower by deteriorating economic conditions;
  • In September worldwide FTKs flown were 2.7% lower than last year;
  • However, air travel reloaded back to its recent trend in September, with worldwide RPKs flown 5.6% higher than a year ago;
  • Capacity growth logged the reload in air travel causing a significant rise in passenger load factor;
  • However, rising capacity coupled with falling freight volumes pushed freight load factors lower;
  • Forward-looking indicators, such as business and consumer confidence are pointing to weakness in both freight and travel in the months ahead.

First published by Cabin Crew Safety Ltd on October 31st 2011