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Does the aircraft brace position actually work

05 Apr 2013 | comment | Comments: Off | Viewed 4943 times.

Does the aircraft brace position actually work

Commercial airline flying is statistically amongst the safest modes of transport today and according to IATA figures, the accident rate for western built jets has seen a 77% improvement in the accident rate over the past 10 years [Source: IATA Safety Fact Sheet 2012] but the brace position, a fundamental part of a passenger safety program for emergencies, remains a top of conversation today; Does the brace position actually work?.... Full Story

New BE Aerospace training smoke hood

21 Mar 2013 | product | Comments: Off | Viewed 5033 times.

New BE Aerospace training smoke hood

Training Smoke Hoods, or PBE, are an essential piece of aircraft emergency equipment and training to use them is an essential part of any flight attendant training. The range of training smoke hoods offered by Cabin Crew Safety are fully functional replica items that have been designed to give the crew member in training the experience of wearing and operating the manufacturers device but also to give long life to maximise the investment payback and keep operating costs low..... Full Story